Monday, May 7, 2012

Hello, Spring!

Popcorn's popping on the apricot tree { okay, not yet actually...the apricot tree has yet to bloom, but the cherry trees are out! }, everything is turning lovely, brilliant green, and I have a springy new skirt. I cleaned the house this past weekend, made some plans for a fran-tabulous summer holiday { hint, hint }, and let the Husband talk me into seeing The Avengers, which was surprisingly funny, even witty, at times. I now have a crush on The Hulk, and it's all his fault.

AND--- I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel that is the school year. C'est presque arrivé.*

*C'est presque arrivé.  = It's almost here.


Siouxzy said...

whoa mama

Siouxzy said...

Cute new header, title thingie! Love the font.

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