I'm taking a little break from my 30x30 Europe posts so I can participate in this month's EBEW feature: yellow. I didn't have a single yellow item in my 30x30, nor do I have any yellow accessories. I have very little yellow in general in my closet. Sad. Yellow is such a happy, sunny color. So what's a girl to do? Go thrifting, of course!
I hit up my most favoritest consignment shop and found the above skirt, yellow top, and silk scarf. Perfect! Then I looked super duper hard for a 40s-50s-ish backdrop for photos, because this ensemble was screaming vintage housewife to me. I seriously considered breaking into the house down the street- an old estate for sale that's from the 40s and is still decorated as such. Light teal carpet, a white grand piano in a room full of old fashioned chaises and furniture, and a cherry red tiled kitchen with red and yellow splashy floral wall paper. { Can I tell you how badly I'd like to live there? That's far closer to my style than our current residence, which is dominated by desert tones, and there are 2 pools and a super sweet upper-level wrap deck on that house! }
But I checked myself out of crazy town and settled for serving the Husband an aperitif of fresh-squeezed lemonade and garden strawberries on our deck instead, feigning the part of the domestic goddess. The perfect wife that makes fabulous lemonade and smiles pleasantly while she pours it.
All the while expecting her husband to document her every move. She might've also forgotten to make ice. And made slightly watery lemonade. But at least she looks the part :)
Well, almost. I wanted to whip my hair into a swirly fancy 50s do, but I'm not very good at hair. I couldn't find one measly bottle of gel, mouse, or even hairspray. Blogger bun and red lips to the rescue!
Bon jour de jaune à tout le monde!*

P.S. I must beg for mercy again in getting my Europe posts / 30x30 outfits up. They take so long because I have loads of photos to sort through and I just found out yesterday that I need to fill in as a cabin mom for my church's Girl's Camp starting today and going through Saturday! I still have all of our week in Italy {including more cliff jumping- this time off of a waterfall!}, and 3 more days of the French Riviera at the end of our trip {Monaco, Antïbes, and Marseille!}, all to come in due time!
* Bon jour de jaune à tout le monde! = Happy yellow day to everyone!
Great finds :) Such a sunshine outit!
Yellow looks good on you! Great find!
What a lovely outfit. The scarf really ties it all together too (hah, the scarf *ties* it together. Pun intended :P)
14 Shades Of Grey
You look lovely, I love the colour of your skirt!
I love how you used lemonade as an accessory! Terrific outfit, btw. I'm really digging the polka dot skirt with the yellow top. It's a nice, modern take on a 50s housewife look.
I love this! Such a great EBEW look! And I love the lemonade. ADORABLE.
Ask the Duplex
Enter our giveaway for a $50 Visa Card!
Totally in love with the addition of the bow belt to break up this outfit. Darling!
Stacey Kay
“Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration”
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The Jordan Jefferies Collection presents breast cancer awareness bracelets
My Vintage Handbag Line
What a cute outfit! I love freshly made lemonade! Yum!
What a lovely and cheery post! Oh so stylish my dear!
You make one beautiful domestic goddess in yellow! I love the vintage inspired look.
you're so cute! the skirt is cute, the yellow shirt is cute, and the lemonade looks delish!! xxx
Okay...so was the lemonade planned or what. Bc it's soo snazzy! And is it sweet or sour? Homemade or powder? Lol. I love your look and how creative you got with this challenge.
Very cute and vintage housewifish! Looks like you could step right out of a nostalgic advertisement. :)
Thanks for all the lovely comments! Yes, the lemonade was planned after I nixed my breaking in plans :) It was homemade, but not strong enough. I need more lemons next time! Or a better lemon juicer...
Okay, I've been scrolling through your posts and this particular ensemble does it. You're fabulous!
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