I pinky promise I'm still working on my 30x30 / Europe posts. I'm almost finished with Milan. Tomorrow it'll be up. But boy, Girls Camp wiped me out, and right afterwards we spent the weekend in Medford so we could see Harry Potter in the fancy schmancy Tinseltown, which has a Coldstone next door. Yes, we're HP nerds. And cake batter ice cream with raspberry mix-in addicts. Then I came home to find out that EBEW had decided to walk on the wild side and throw in an extra challenge this month, which happened to occur this very week, and be for thrifting, a favorite hobby of mine. How could I resist?
So there you have my pithy excuses for a second interlude between my Europe posts and a second outfit that doesn't belong in my 30x30 before I've finished that challenge. Because fashion challenges are important enough in my life to require pithy excuses. Though not important enough to merit breaking out the iron, apparently. It's a lawless world I live in.
I hope this outfit even counts as thrifted. These fab yellow heels are from Down East Outfitters, which carries pieces from other labels that were slightly damaged or overstocked. These must've been the display because they have a few scuffs. They were still rather pricey, but the color swayed me into ignoring that fact. Easily distracted, I am. It's a dangerous quality in a bargain seeker. The dress is from a consignment shop. I paid a shameful $30 for it, though it is shantung and was new with tags.
Nonetheless, I'm afraid Jentine, who sweet talked EBEW into this wayward challenge, wouldn't be proud. She's Queen Thrifter in the fashion blogosphere { proof here }, finding vintage dresses from designers such as Diane von Furstenburg for pocket change. She even has an entire post about all the silk shirts she's thrifted. Do you know how hard I've tried to thrift a silk shirt since then? Way too hard to admit. I've not been successful. The only ones I seem to find are so big the shoulders hang to my elbows. I'm convinced I need to start thrifting in Canada.
Nonetheless, I'm afraid Jentine, who sweet talked EBEW into this wayward challenge, wouldn't be proud. She's Queen Thrifter in the fashion blogosphere { proof here }, finding vintage dresses from designers such as Diane von Furstenburg for pocket change. She even has an entire post about all the silk shirts she's thrifted. Do you know how hard I've tried to thrift a silk shirt since then? Way too hard to admit. I've not been successful. The only ones I seem to find are so big the shoulders hang to my elbows. I'm convinced I need to start thrifting in Canada.
Anyhow, considering my thrifting experiences, I was quite proud to pay only $30 for a silk J Crew dress that still had the tags. The little flower was even still in the plastic baggie.
P.S. I've just had an epiphany. Picking cherries is like thrifting. Once they ripen, you've got to get there before the birds or they're completely picked over. It's time to get my game face on. There must be cherries on Cherry Tree Lane the year. The Husband has requested pie in return for his photo services. And nothing messes with my camera man's requests.

Gorgeous! Especially those shoes :)
That dress looks great on you!
As always a beautifully shot fashion post!
Thanks for sharing your style!
You look great in this dress. Whata great locale!
Thanks ladies! And thank-you, Siouxzy, for finding those lovely shoes for me! I've got two Dr. Scholl's heel pads in them, and I think I need to add a third to keep them on, but they're worth it :)
I am so loving those yellow satin heels. What an instant pop of color! Your blog is so awesome!
Thank you for stopping by, I really appreciate it. I hope you liked my blog.
LOVE your shoes with that dress
Ooh, I remember drooling over this dress (is it from their bridal collection?). Love how you paired it with yellow heels - so inspired.
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