Francophone Fridays

Classing up our weekends, one Frenchy tid-bit at a time...

I absolutely adore France and all things French.  If my husband could get a job there, I'd pack up and move to France tomorrow. I studied abroad in France twice, and it will always be a home to me.

Meanwhile, however, I'm a French teacher, who can't find a job teaching French. Instead, I find myself teaching ESL, English, and even World Explorations {where I sneak in an extended week for the French unit. My students notice. Then complain. Bah.}  But I went into teaching for French. My degree is in French. I want to use French.

So this is how I intend to get a regular fix. 

The idea is to end the week sharing a phrase, recipe, or other tidbit à la français from France or a French speaking country.  Sometimes, it'll be something I discuss on my own. Others, I'll feature an article or someone else's Frenchified blog post, since there are others out there who blog about French far better than I ever will. I'll also feature an outfit with a piece that I purchased in France on these posts. Because clothes make everything more interesting, right? Right.

P.S. Feel free to correct me if need be, or add input. Especially if you are French or a fellow Francophile :)

Week 1:  Oh là là 
Week 2:  Je ne sais quoi
Week 3:  Faux pas 
Week 4:  Marché aux Puces 

Even when I'm not doing a Francophone Friday, I still enjoy blogging about France and all things French. Check out my French label for associated posts. Also, here are some of my favorite Frenchy blogs:

Caroline Daily
The Cherry Blossom Girl
DeeDee Paris
Eleonore Bridge
Garance Doré
La Coquette
Le Blog de Betty
Making Magique
My French Life
Punky B.
Tendances de Mode
Une Americaine

And just for to dress like a French woman

*Editor's Note:  Since I began working full-time as an English teacher { I know! Practically blasphemous. } I'm afraid Francophone Friday's have fallen a bit to the wayside. I'm lucky just to get a regular post done once a week, or month. Forget about one that requires more than trite thought. But I promise, they'll be back in full force next fall when I'm teaching only part-time!
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